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WILD TROPICS Binders + Book Covers Pack

These modern tropical designs will have you excited about organizing your binders!

Made to match our other WILD TROPICS Classroom Decor, you can use these binder covers and matching spines, for all your teaching resource - assessment data, term planner, lesson plans, reading groups. Create dividers in your teacher planner or use them for book covers for your student's folders and text books.

Featuring a mix of soft earthy colors, leafy green botanicals, quirky jungle animals and natural quartz, these covers are easy to edit! Simply choose your cover, use our fonts or add your own then enter your text and press print!

Organizing your folders has never looked this good - you're going to love going to work!

Here's what's included -
  • Editable A4 binder covers (80+ different designs to choose from)
  • thin binder spines to match
  • thicker binder spines to match
  • easy to follow editing instructions included

To use -

You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Decide on your label, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT.
Please note - prices are in US dollars

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