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Learning To Tell Time - Hour and Half Hour Time Pack

Learning to tell time can be a difficult concept for many children to master but this easy to prep, hands-on pack has everything you need to start teaching your class about telling time to the hour and half hour!

This engaging pack of resources will help your students to consider time as a concept as well as look at how we measure the passing of time and teach young children how to tell time to the hour and half hour using analogue and digital clocks.

With over 80 pages, this Telling Time unit includes printables suitable for whole class instruction, Mental Maths routines, worksheets, interactive workbook pages, clip cards, games, puzzles, and other resources for individual and small group math center activities plus pre and post-assessments.

Designed for use from first grade and above, all of the activities come with instructions for teaching and student-friendly directions. The range of different tasks and resources make it easy to differentiate to suit your year level by selecting those that best match your curriculum and student's knowledge of time.

Here's what's included -
  • Hour and half hour cards with both analogue and digital times for classroom display
  • Make a clock face worksheet - A4 page
  • Draw a clock face worksheet - A4 page
  • Make a clock face interactive lift-the-tab page - A4 page
  • Clock face 3-part cards with analogue, digital and written time for all hour and half hour times (posters or puzzles) - 2 per A4 page
  • Clock face numbers (hour only - color + B+W) - 6 per A4 page
  • Before + After Sorting Activity (mats, cards + instructions)
  • Classroom timeline - A4 page
  • My Morning sequencing task
  • 'I'll just be...' a minute, hour, week, month activity for students to draw - A4 page
  • Interactive flap-book activity for students to draw/write activities that take a minute, hour, week, year - A4 page
  • Clock face + time cards (hour + half hour time sets for matching) - 8 per A4 page
  • Make the Time Mats + time cards
  • Match the Time worksheet (hour only plus hour and half hour) - A4 page
  • Draw the clocks worksheet (hour only plus hour and half hour) - A4 page
  • Make The Time Dice Game - A4 page
  • What's The Time activity - A4 page
  • Hour and Half Hour Clip Cards - 4 per A4 page

Teaching suggestions are included for each resource.

Initial and final assessment tasks also included.

Looking for more time resources? Check out out Telling Time Expansion Pack! Perfect for children learning to tell time to the quarter hour.


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I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here.


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